His grimy eyes stare out into the dreary cold night as he stands alone in a dark alley. He’s watching her from a short distance, waiting for just the right moment. His focus is on a well dressed woman that steps forth out of the thick clinging fog that swirls around her body as she moves effortlessly across the damp night grass. She appears to float along as if she were the dead rising from their graves.
The woman smiles and inhales deeply as she stretches her long thin arms above her head. Her older style blue hip hugging skirt, molds to her body as if begging someone to stroke their hands over her body. A tight gray sweater hugs the swell of her ample breasts, lifting them even higher then normal so that the nipples look directly at you when she moves. Her blond hair hangs loose, streaming down over her shoulders. Her bangs hang down partly blocking the view of the coal blue eyes as if only to tease you with them.
A breeze kicks up causing her blond locks to blow free playfully about her fair skin. The swirling haze of the fog works in her favor as she walks onto a main alleyway. She walks slowly, looking hard at buildings as if lost. Dimly lit windows look like small eyes staring balefully down on her. This is not a place for a sexy lady to be out wandering in the dark. As she turns the corner onto a smaller alley a large rugged black man slips from a shadowed doorway. Lost in thought, she walks slower, showing no fear of her surroundings.
The man is dressed like a thug, and casually strolls along as he watches her from a short distance. He walks with an air of comfort, living in the area all his life, he knows the area well. He conceals a large knife that hangs in it’s sheathe off his belt.
As she slows her pace, he calls out to her, “Hey Sugar.” His deep voice rings out loud from behind her. She looks casually over her shoulder, but doesn’t answer him. She picks up her pace and moves swiftly towards an opening to the left. She ducks into the shadows, but she moved to slowly and he sees where she is hidden.
With a deep booming laugh he follows her into the alley. When she sees it is a dead end she turns, thinking she could get back into the main alley, instead the stranger stands in front of her.
“Hello sugar,” he says with a grin on his face. His eyes look her over with an obvious hunger in them. She begins to back away from him, her eyes darting looking for an escape. Sadly, even the alley was against her as she backed away from him, her foot stepped into a small puddle of greasy water. Her pump slipped in it, and down she went, her ass smacking into the concrete, causing her to cry out in pain.
“Don’t worry sugar I will take care of you.” His tone frightens her, and she realizes what he has on his mind.
He laughs deeply as he moves slowly towards her with the knife in his hand. The long, thin blade, reflex’s the shinny half-moon that hangs low in the air. He moves at her quickly before she can get back on her feet.
She feels the cold blade touching the tender skin on her neck, making her cry out softly. “No no no please....!” she shouts with a low whimper.
She feels his lips touch her ear “Sugar your gonna give me so much lovin tonight! I will make you my whore.” His words were so vulgar and dirty to her, but it made it obvious that he intended to do harm to her. He reaches out a strong hand and grabs her firmly around the neck, holding her completely immobile.
Just then she feels the cold steel blade moving slowly down her body, until he finds the edge of her sweater. The sharp blade cuts through the woven sweater with effortless ease. Her eyes open wide and meet his as her pale cream colored breasts spill out from under the destroyed sweater. Her face flushes a pale red as she struggles to hide them from his eyes.
The moonlight made this moment feel surreal for them both, almost like a dream. The cool air kissed her breasts, making the dark pink nipples to harden. Her nipples formed into solid points of flesh before him as she again struggles to get free. He growls at her like a wild animal, then pushes her to the ground and straddles her so she couldn’t move. He leans heavily on top of her, pressing his larger body over her smaller frame. He catches her nipple in his mouth and bites down on it brutally, making her scream out.
He slaps her hard across the face, telling her to be quiet. He then holds the knife blade closely to her shaking lips and warns her again, “Do as you are told and this could be pleasant, but don’t listen, and you might lose your life. Do you fucking understand?” he said in a low husky voice.
Fear consumes her, and her body goes limp as she lays there quietly whimpering in fear. She can feel his thick hard shaft through his pants, pressing into her stomach. He deliberately rubs his swollen member up and down her mid section. She feels his callous hand rubbing over her breasts, and then pinching her nipple with force.
She lays there numb to his repeated assault. “Good my bitch, just lay still and do as your told.” Lust consumes his mind, and fills with various delusions. He reaches down and pushes her tight skirt up, forcing it up over her hips. The cool night air rushes over her body and she begins to whimper. He slaps her hard across her face and tears cascade down her cheeks, shimmering in the moonlight that sweeps across her face.
His hands savagely tear at her thin panties and rips them from her body. He tosses them in the direction of a trash dumpster, and then turns his full attention to the smell of her body. The light scent of her perfume and cleanly shaven body, drives him insane. As he holds the knife near her throat, he leans down once more to bite her nipple. She continues to hold still even as a little blood begins to ooze from her left nipple.
With his free hand he unhooks his belt, and then unbuttons his pants, pulling down the zipper in one quick motion. His mouth stays locked onto her nipple, sucking and licking it around in circles. When she hears his actions, it causes her to whimper again. Her mind races, experiencing the feeling of needing to wake up, hoping this must all just be a bad dream.
He shifts his body, and then pushes his pants down to his knees, freeing his pent up cock. He switches to her other nipple and begins to torture it in the same way, biting it until it bled. She feels his cock trying to angle her hips so he can’t penetrate her. He shifts upward and presses his cock head to her cunts lips. “Ahhh you gonna like this whore!” He feels her wetness, and uses one hand to guide his throbbing cock towards her tight opening.
He bites down hard on her right nipple as her slams his cock fully into her cunt. The soft folds of her cunt surround his cock and grip it firmly. He begins thrust is cock quickly in and out of her, hitting the cervix with each hard stroke.
She whimpers, but does not move as he holds the knife firmly at her throat. She lays there, powerless as he takes her breasts once more, licking, sucking, and biting her like a wild animal.
Her folds are incredible tight, but well lubed, making his rape all the more pleasurable. With each stroke into her hot folds, his balls smack into her small round ass. His roughness punishes and humiliates her even more. After several minutes of this brutal rape his cock begins to swell deep in her heated folds.
She begins to moan loudly in enjoyment, as the thought of him cumming deep inside her consumes her thoughts. She begins to buck her hips fiercely into his, consuming more of his thick cock deep inside her moistness. She licks her lips as he looks down at her face.
“Come on you stud,” she moans in a low voice. Her tone is hot, and expresses the need to ride his cock. Uncontrollable words spill from her lips, “Fill me with your rapist cum!” she moans loudly.
She wraps her legs tightly around his waist, embracing him in her warm silken embrace. He bucks hard one last time and shoots his load deep into her throbbing cunt. He pulls his lips from her nipple, and looks down at the woman. She is somehow different, slowly changing as he continues to stare at her now pale skin.
As his breathing slows, his limp cock is still being milked dry deep inside her tight cunt. His cock inside her no longer feels warm, but instead feels like a cold tight rubber hose wrapped around his cock. The inside tissue of her opening sucks up his cum, making her core dry. She painfully holds his cock with her tightness.
As he tries to pull his cock from inside her, he sees her as she really is, with stringy, thin hair, and the face of a creature covered in warts. Her coal blue eyes remain the same color, but her skin color turns gray like a corpse. The life inside her, is now cold and cruel. His own face turns pale, and the life behind his eyes runs away.
Her words are still soft, but the voice is coarse, almost broken now. “Was my fucking pussy good, you bastard?” She bends her head forward, looking up at him.
In shock, he freezes, still with his cock deep inside her tightness.
Her hand shoots down with a blink of an eye, grabbing the knife blade with a soft grunt. With one quick show of strength, she snaps the blade in half, and then drops it near his body. She reaches out and forcibly grabs him around his neck. She pulls his shocked face to her breast, which are no longer beautiful. Instead they look like rotting, sagging flats of old breast tissue.
“Thank you for my meal,” she whispers to him and then wraps her long legs around his body, holding him in place. He tries to fight, but she is stronger than any man he had ever met. It was like pushing against a stone wall.
When her rotting nipple nears his lips he bites down hard, trying to hurt her in any way he can. She sighs deeply with pleasure as he bites into her harden flesh, cuddling him closer into her cold body. Her insides are no longer hot or smooth, just cold and dry, and she uses it all to rape his cock, squeezing it even tighter. Her lips trace over his ear, along his neck, holding him in her strong grip.
Suddenly he feel something sharp poking into his neck, thinking it might be the knife, he tries to struggle free. The feeling changes to not one, but two sharp objects stabbing into his body. Without warning she slams her fangs deep into his neck. He can feel his blood moving swiftly to her lips as she works his neck.
She murmurs a soft “Yes!” as if cooing to him as she drinks. The pleasure he feels is more intense than any of the other 20 some rapes that he had done in the past couple of years. Soon he is griping her as if she were his long lost lover. Pleasure courses throughout his body until he feels himself fading into blackness from lack of blood.
His starved heart begins to spasm in his chest as she licks her lips, and then his neck. He hears her last words as his world dims.
“You’re mine now..... oh so handsome. Mine forever.” Her voice so full of happiness as she releases his still form from her grip. Reaching down, she finds the discarded blade and flicks it across her nipple and watches as dark blood flows freely.
In his dim vision, he sees this through his shadowy dieing eyes. Feeling her hand once more prodding over him, wiping her blood across his lips, making them burn. He whimpers, but she coos sweet words to him and fills his mouth with the blood streaming from her nipple.
“Drink my son!” She commands and rubs her hand over his throat causing him to gag and swallow the a large gulp. He whimpers once more and then begins to suck like a baby on tit. The bitter sweet blood flooding into his mouth, brings life back to him.
He feels her fucking him once more, sliding his coated cock in and out of tight hole. He growls darkly, drinking more of the dark blood until to grows full and spits the nipple from his panting lips. The thought of what he did sickens him, his mind unable to believe he has drunk this creature’s blood.
His cock is still hard though it feels different in her cunt as she fucks him. She rapes him as he did her earlier. He is too weak to stop her anyway. His cock was no longer able to provide sperm for her meals. He turns his head away from her hoping to find solace in the mists. This only allows him to find his reflection in a wet puddle.
With a scream of shock he looks on his new form. His once clean rugged good looking face is no more. In its place is a sore covered face with a lesion next to his nose. His words come out almost like hers, but more grating. “What did you do to me?” He reaches out for her in anger. This time he flies loose from her with a single shove. His cock came loose with a lewd popping sound from her body.
She rises to her feet smoothing out her skirt and looking over her sweater. Seeing the damage done to it she shrugged it off, letting it drop there looking at him. “You owe me a sweater mister,” she says giggling and turns toward the alleyway.
As he rises, he looks to her in anger. “Bitch!”
Turning she looks to him smiling a sluttish smile. “Come here!” When he does not come to her side she laughs. Smiling she uses a slutty tone now with him. There is something magical to her words commanding his body. “Come over here sexy.” He shakes his head no then is surprised as he finds his feet moving in her direction..
She catches his jaw squeezing it painfully. “Rule number one stud is I own you!” She releases him only to slam a fist into his stomach. The blow should only have made him laugh instead it doubled him over. Catching him she slings him easily over her shoulder rubbing his ass as she holds him naked from the waist down. She leaves his clothing in the alley for others to wonder.
Walking to a steaming grate she pushes down on it with her foot. The grate used often by her opens smoothly as she smiles “Welcome home lover.” She steps through carrying his weak form from the misty light of the night. The grate after a moment seals itself.
She laughs as she hefts him up, feeling his flaccid cock on her shoulder she leans to it. Slowly she sucked his head into her mouth with playfulness. Walking down the sewers tunnel she grows tired of the hard head in her mouth, and bites into it hard. He had enjoyed the attention until she had bitten him. He cries out in pain, and she rubs his ass once more, taking him into her home. His was just another scream in the dark down side of the city. The sound causes barely a head to turn in the mists, as another is taken.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Frolicking Around in the Land of Oz
The people in this town think I’m nuts,
they just don't know how right they are.
they just don't know how right they are.
People around me, give me my inspiration Officer M. Thanks for the story. No harmful intent is meant to anyone, this is just for simple pleasure. This story draws characters from real life, however the story itself is 100% fictional. This is the world of fantasy and fiction where the hidden corners of the psyche may be explored. (Plus I love messing with the minds of others...hehe)
Years ago I lost the ability to catch the type of fish I was after, so I devised a plan that involved using a different type of worm. That was where my neighbor became involved... she became my bait. She is young, pretty, thin, and has child-like qualities that my type of prey tend to desire. All I had to do was stick the hook down her throat and she would unknowingly help me vanquish my enemies. I no longer had to chase my prey, she would bring them to the surface for me and reveal their hiding locations. Then I could rob them of their wealth, or force them to perform sexual acts of humiliation.
Frolicking Around in the Land of Oz
Jay was in for what he thought was going to be a lousy weekend. Normally he spent his weekends patrolling the streets, preventing crime by spending most of his shift driving up and down well known streets. But for this weekend, he had agreed to change shifts with another officer who needed Wednesday and Thursday nights off to attend a meeting out of town.
He sat home alone, thinking about the different women he attracted just because of his uniform. Even though some of the encounters were frightening, it didn’t stop him from enjoying the job the loved. Occasionally he would spend most of his night shift posted at the local Q-Trip store watching the young girls come and go, flirting only with the ones who possessed young flirty girl-like qualities.
Officer Jay sat in the darkened room, smiling, thinking about a girl he had flirted with many times, when he was suddenly startled by a noise coming from his bedroom. Jay quickly rose, heart beating rapidly in his chest, took a deep breath and picked up his weapon from the coffee table. He heard footsteps coming his direction, so he quietly stepped behind a door going into the living room and waited on the intruder.
Jay was somewhat shocked when the intruder began walking into the living room. As the person came closer, he was surprised to see it was one of the girls he had flirted with at Q-Trip. She was dressed in low cut, tight fitting shirt and snug fitting jeans. He couldn’t help being turned on as he watched her stroll across the floor towards the kitchen, but then his officer training took effect and Jay stepped from the darkened corner.
“Put your hands where I can see them!” Jay shouted from the darkness.
All four foot, nine inches of Jennile froze.
“What are you doing in here?” Jay asked as he stepped towards her.
Jennile slowly turned around with a big naughty smile on her face, licked her lips, and stepped up to Jay, making contact with his body. “I just came by to say hello.”
Jay looked down at Jennile as she stared up at his 6’1”, 200lb body. He could feel the heat of her breath on his chest and it sent waves of pleasure descending deep enough to cause his cock to throb with excitement.
“How do I know you’re not here to rob or kill me?” Jay said with a slight smirk across his face.
“What do you want me to do? Take off my shirt to prove I’m not hiding anything?” Jennile giggled, took a step back away from Jay, and began removing her shirt. As Jay watched, she dropped it onto the floor, then removed her jeans and tossed them next to her shirt.
Jay began to smile. “That’s good, Jennile, but you might be hiding a weapon in your bra. So, I think you need to removed it, so I can make sure.”
Jennile unfastened the bra, and dropped it on the floor as Jay leaned forward to exam her lightly tanned nipples, and her smooth lean stomach. Jennile giggled like a schoolgirl as Jay ordered her down on her knees. She obediently knelt down in front of him. Jay reached down to her small petite body and stroked her pretty face and short black hair.
“I’m a bad girl. I need to be severely punished. Just please don’t take me to jail officer. I’ll do anything you want.” Jennile again giggled at the playful remarks.
Jay smiled and decided to play along with her little game. “All right, my little thief. Looks like I’m going to serve up a little harsh punishment. Unzip my pants.”
Her fingers lightly brushed against his semi-hardness, sending delicious tingles up and down Jay’s spine. Jennile swallowed hard as she reached her little hand inside his jeans. She could feel the soft cotton of his briefs, and the thick hardness of his cock underneath. Every movement of her fingers brought him pleasure as she slowly removed his cock. In her small hands, his cock looked like a monster, and she gasped when she saw its full length.
Jay grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her towards his cock. “Suck it for me you little bitch thief. And if you tell anyone, I’ll have you arrested for stealing.” Jay then pulled Jennile closer to his cock and ordered her to open her mouth. Jennile took his cock fully in her mouth without hesitation. Her tongue moved tentatively against the bottom of his cock, leaving a hot wet trail. Jay began taking short pants of air as he forced her head up and down his thick cock.
Unfortunately Jennile was much weaker than Jay and she couldn’t stop him from forcing his cock deeper into her throat. Jennile gagged and had to force herself back to keep from throwing up. Jay pulled his cock out of her mouth, grabbed her by her arm and pulled her to her feet. “Well, now little thief, that was a good start, but now put you hands behind your back.”
Jennile started to resisted, but with his strength he was able to quickly restrain her. He cuffed her wrists together and pushed her onto the couch so that she was kneeling on the cushions, her face pressed into the back of the couch.
“What are you going to ...” she tried to say, just as he pressed a washrag into her mouth. Jennile struggled to spit it out, but he was on top of her, easily holding her in place with one knee on her back.
Jay’s cock had softened a bit, but it quickly became rock hard again as he reached around her and pulled down her underwear. His eyes hungrily sucked in the sight of her firm young ass as he yanked her panties from her thin body. Jay slid a finger in between her legs and started rubbing his finger over her smooth cunt. He slid a finger into her opening and began rubbing it back and forth. Jennile squirmed, trying to let out small squeals of pleasure. His excitement began to build as he placed the head of his cock near her tight anal opening and began rubbing the head of his cock up and down.
Without a warning, Jay felt someone behind him, but didn’t have a chance to even turn around before he felt a object being smashed against his skull. He awoke to his head aching. He cradled his head in his cuffed hands as his eyes scanned across the darken room. He tries to struggle, but can’t move.
Part Two:
Officer Jay attempted to focus in on his surroundings when he noticed a chain secured to the wall above his head. It lead down the wall and attached to a set of leg irons on his ankles. He attempts to pull free, but all he manages to do is clang the metal loud enough that it alerted those who were holding him against his will.
A rather large woman around age 40 walked into the room, followed by Jennile being pulled along with a dog lease and collar around her neck. Jay immediately knew he was in trouble when he recognized the woman as a local psycho that he had previous encounters with.
The psycho woman walked towards Jay, holding a 12” hunting knife firmly in her hand. Jay began tugging fiercely at the chains as the large woman laughed uproariously at his frantic attempt to free himself. She bent down beside his body, stroked the top of his head and whispered, “Shhh, don’t make a sound, I’m not going to hurt you. For now. If you play real nice and do as I tell you, you’ll live to play another day. Do you understand me officer?”
“This fucking joke has gone to damn far! Take these damn cuffs and chains off me!” Jay shouted, and then yanked at the chains that confined him.
“Naughty, naughty officer,” the woman said shaking her head back in forth. “I guess I’ll just have to teach you a lesson about who is now in charge. You see this knife I’m holding? You know what I like to do with knives...remember....I like to cut things. Have you ever been cut officer?”
“No I haven’t you crazy fucking psycho bitch! And if you touch me with that damn thing I’m going to blow you head off when I get out of here!”
The psycho woman laughed loudly and then pulled on the lease in her other hand, making Jennile yelp loudly as she stepped forth. “Use this knife to cut away all his clothes,” she ordered. Jennile quickly took the knife from her hand and stepped towards Jay. She cut his sleeves all the way to his shoulders until she was able to remove the shirt from over his head. Next she tugged at his jeans until she was able to pull them down far enough that she could cut them away from his body, leaving him only wearing his bright white cotton briefs.
“The briefs too, and then shave him. You know I like my men clean and hairless.”
Jay protested, but clamed down when Jennile began lathering around his cock with the cool shaving cream. As the alcohol began to burn, he got a instant hard on from the sensation around his balls. Jennile continued shaving Jay’s body until every part of his body was hairless. When she finished she rinsed his body with a shower sprayer that was attached to the wall. Jennile couldn’t help but enjoy herself as she leaned her wet body against his smooth wet chest muscles, and rubbed her hands up and down his semi-hard cock.
“Wash his cock with you mouth,” the psycho woman ordered. She watched as Jennile leaned down between his legs and delicately flicked her tongue over his balls. Her small lips kissed his shaft, and sucked his cock gently while her hands pulled on his smoothly shaven balls. Jay closed his eyes and arched his back as he enjoyed the sensation against his will.
Without warning, the psycho woman cracked a whip hard across Jay’s back. A fine red line immediately appeared, and he screamed out in pain. Jennile didn’t stop, she continued slurping and sucking Jay’s cock as if it were the only thing she had eaten that day.
Whack! Again the whip came down and Jay shouted out, “ What do you want with me? Let me go! Kidnapping charges are going to be filed against you!” Jennile continued engulfing his entire cock into her small mouth.
The psycho woman whacked Jay across his stomach, leaving him whimpering in pain.
Whack! “You’re a strong, powerful man, with nice muscles, a deep powerful voice, and hands that grip tight.” Whack! “You enjoy ejaculating you juice deep inside our pussies.” Whack! “You must learn to experience what we experience.” Jennile’s assault on Jay’s cock had him worked up to the point where he was ready cum, even if he was being beaten black and blue.
The psycho woman ordered Jennile off his cock, which left his cock aching for pussy. The psycho woman walked casually up to Jennile, wrapped one arm around her waist, and kissed Jennile passionately, while squeezing her ass. The psycho woman stepped back and licked her lips, “Nice. A lovely salty taste. Our big officer must be excited.”
The psycho woman slid her hand between Jennile legs and felt her moist mound. “My little woman is all wet. Are you enjoying yourself Jennile?”
“Yes Ma’am I am. Please may I have some more.”
The psycho woman squeezed Jennile nipples, and then sent her off to retrieve a large strap-on dildo. Jay’s eyes went wide when Jennile returned with the cock already on. She walked up to Jay’s face and ran the dildo over his lips.”
“Lick it!” the psycho woman ordered, but Jay refused. She then walked over to him and slapped him hard across the face. “Lick it!”
Jay complied and lightly licked along the hard plastic dildo. “Now you will be fucked like a woman.”
Jay began to loudly protest, but the chains held him secure enough that petite Jennil was able to easily come up from behind Jay and place the dildo near his virgin anal opening. Jennil rubbed the long 10 inch fake penis with a fruity scented oil, and then squeezed a small amount over Jay’s opening. On the psycho woman’s signal, Jennil thrust the dildo deep into his ass. Jay let out a loud scream of pain and tensed up while Jennil held the large cock still.
“Look how nicely you stretch around Jennil’s cock. My pretty little girl looks so sweet having control over such a powerfully strong man as yourself. How does it feel being helpless and getting fucked like a girl?”
“Fuck you bitch! I’m going to fucking kill you when I get out of ..... Awwwwww,” Jay screamed when Jennile gripped Jay’s hips and began thrusting the cock in and out. Tears began to stream down his cheeks. Jennile began placing light kisses of affection on Jay’s back as she slowed her pace. She then reached around and began stroking his cock.
“Tell me you like it Jay,” the psycho woman said as she walked up to Jay and looked at his face. “Say you like your ass being fucked by a girl!” When Jay refused she slapped him hard across the face, and then signaled to Jennile.
Jennile began pumping the 10 inch cock deeply in and out of Jay’s ass. You could see by the look on his face that he was in pain, but still tried to express his contempt for the psycho woman. “Tell me you like being fucked by my whore!” Smack! “Say it!”
Out of anger and frustration, Jay finally screamed out, “I like being fucked!” The pain eased as Jennile pulled the cock from his aching ass. She dropped the strap-on to the floor and began rubbing her dripping hole. Her shaved slit glistened with her juices. With her other hand she rubbed and pinched her nipples as officer Jay watched her every move.
The psycho woman lowered Jay to the floor and removed his leg irons only. She then ordered Jennile to suck his cock. It became hard quickly and dripped pre-cum from the tip. Jennile then lowered herself slowly onto his throbbing dick. Her soaking wet pussy felt like a warm oven mitt around Jay’s cock and he couldn’t help moaning out loudly.
The psycho woman appeared over Jay and reached out to twist one of his nipples. He let out of low sheik, but didn’t not want her to stop. Jennile licked his chest as she worked her sweetness up and down the officers swollen member. When Jennile felt officer Jay getting close to cumming, she would pull off him, and the psycho woman would twist his nipples prolonging his erection. Jennile was getting what she enjoyed the most, a long hard fucking where she was in control.
Jennile let out a loud scream when she finally exploded around Jay’s cock. The psycho woman bent down and the girls kissed. Jennile’s juices ran down her thighs as she stood up from the officer.
Jay was still hard, but ready to exploded at any moment and wanted to feel the wet pussy squeezing his cock in all the right places. “If you want to get off, you’ll have to give it to me,” said psycho woman said with a devilish grin on her face. Jay had no other choice. Even if he couldn’t stand the psycho woman, the pressure that had built up deep inside was ready to explode.
She wrapped her full lips around Jay’s oozing cock head and hungrily sucked on the precum. The psycho woman spread his legs wide and ran her tongue along his thick muscular thighs. She was tasting his flesh, running her nails sharply across his body. Her tongue slowly worked its way up to the big shaft head. Then she took him fully in her mouth and worked her tongue over every vein. She licked her way down the shaft to the cum filled balls, stopping to gently suck on each ball before making her way back to the tip.
Jay quickly begins moaning as he cock swells in the psycho woman’s mouth. His cock is buried deep in her throat when he moans out, “I’m going to cum.” The psycho woman cups his balls in her hand as she strokes and sucks his convulsing cock. He was amazed at how much cum was pouring into her mouth. He watched her as she swallowed more of his juice that flowed from the tip.
When he finished the psycho woman stood and kissed Jennile full on the lips, letting her taste the salty liquid that dribbled down her chin.
“Very good. You have made my girl very happy, but this is just a start of the things to come. You’ll be like all the others, and won’t be missed for a few days. Each day we will push the boundaries of pain and pleasure a little more, but rest for now, there will be a lot more in store for you.”
The psycho woman stood with a smile on her face, picked up his police badge and tossed it in a basket with several other badges. Jennile skipped along behind her, giggling as she reached down and tasted her juices that were flowing down her leg.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Hey Bunny!
Sent to me by a reader of this site... enjoy!
Sounds like a challenge! I'm up for it too... First of all, we will need an entire weekend for me to accomplish everything I plan to do to your hot body. It cannot be rushed!
We will need a soft rope. What I want to do to you will require you being tied in a revealing position. A position that will allow uninhibited access to your wet throbbing pussy with a diversity of objects including my hands, my eyes, my mouth, my throbbing seven inch cock and any other toys we may bring into the encounter!
I can be the most gentle man you could imagine being with, and at the same time at the blink of an eye, I can be the most aggressive lover you have ever encountered. Never violent mind you. Always with my partners best interest in mind. I am very aware of my partners likes, dislikes, what makes her comfortable, or what pushes her to the edge of ecstasy and maybe at times the edge of her limits of participation.
I will need a bucket of ice chips. Ice is at the very forefront of my most favorite sexual tools. Ice can be used in so many different fashions and in so many different body surfaces and orifices.
I also want to have a bucket of very warm wet towels next to our bedside. Something warm just to contrast with the cold sensation of ice in the above paragraph. After all... the ultimate stimulation with inanimate objects is to use them in a way the senses are never bored. A HUGE factor in the intrigue and stimulation derived from sexual toys and objects is a result of contradictory sensations. Hot/Cold, Soft/Hard, Fast/Slow ect.
Right at this very moment, I have a visual of you being tied up on the bed. No sheets on the bed, nothing to interfere with access to your most inner and intimate body parts.
With you, I want to first kiss your soft, full and pouty lips until I feel my cock becoming aroused. Next... I have to see, touch and kiss your fucking hot tits! God you have nice tits. Maybe you just know how to position your tits to make me want to just reach in and get a handful of tit regardless of how well I know you. I just want to see, touch and taste your tits so bad.
"God, I am so hard right now..."
After eye fucking your tits, I want to do the same with your wet, throbbing pussy. Begin by touching your pussy with nothing but the air from my lips... Then when you least expect it, plunge my tongue deep into your pink pussy lips that are shining and bulging from excitement. I want to suck on your hard and erect clit and stroke that hard clit with my tongue till you moan and say FUCK ME NOW!
Oh, by the way... When you say FUCK ME NOW... I will climb up and tickle your clit with the head of my cock until you arch your back trying to make your pussy swallow my cock. I want to tease you with my cock... Put just the head of my cock into your steaming pussy. Just allowing my cock head to penetrate your lips over and over.
Then I want to come around and let you suck my balls and touch my hard cock with your hands while I eat your wet soft cunt with my tongue, lips and maybe even a nibble from my teeth. Not hard though, just enough to let you know I could have.
I am feeling a bit tired of the restraints now. I want you to want to climb up me like I am a tree just to get on my cock. Damn... I am so ready to plunge my entire cock into you until I feel the end of your pussy. I want to rub your cervix with my cock, filling you completely with my entire cock.
When you get really wet and turned on, I am going to slip a vibrator inside your pussy along with my cock. Both my cock and the vibrator inside you. Then just lay there, focusing on kissing you and feeling your tits against my hairy chest. Let my throbbing cock and the vibrator massage you from the inside out.
Before we cum, I want to lube my cock and let you slide my cock inside your tight asshole. After you get as much of my cock inside your ass, I will plunge the vibrator inside your pussy so you have been penetrated with my cock and the vibrator at the same time.
By now, we are both ready to get off... Put my cock back inside your pussy and let me get on top. I will ride your pussy until your head hits the headboard. Grind on my cock until you feel my balls in your ass. Let me push so hard inside you my balls penetrate your hot snatch!
It won't take long now. We will both have that first orgasm that rocks your world so hard your knees are weak and your head is light.
After we both cum, we lay in each others arms and regenerate some much needed strenth so we can fuck again.
Okay my little Fuck Bunny... That is my idea of our first intimate encounter. Now I have to jack off. I will finish this in just abit. Be right back...
I just remembered!!! I haven't fucked you doggie yet!!! So we will in a bit... After we rest a minute.
Well sweetie, I hope you enjoyed reading my daydream of what I hope our first fuck would be like. Add me and Fuck me or you will be missing out on one of the best fucks you will ever have baby.
I want to FUCK you...
Sounds like a challenge! I'm up for it too... First of all, we will need an entire weekend for me to accomplish everything I plan to do to your hot body. It cannot be rushed!
We will need a soft rope. What I want to do to you will require you being tied in a revealing position. A position that will allow uninhibited access to your wet throbbing pussy with a diversity of objects including my hands, my eyes, my mouth, my throbbing seven inch cock and any other toys we may bring into the encounter!
I can be the most gentle man you could imagine being with, and at the same time at the blink of an eye, I can be the most aggressive lover you have ever encountered. Never violent mind you. Always with my partners best interest in mind. I am very aware of my partners likes, dislikes, what makes her comfortable, or what pushes her to the edge of ecstasy and maybe at times the edge of her limits of participation.
I will need a bucket of ice chips. Ice is at the very forefront of my most favorite sexual tools. Ice can be used in so many different fashions and in so many different body surfaces and orifices.
I also want to have a bucket of very warm wet towels next to our bedside. Something warm just to contrast with the cold sensation of ice in the above paragraph. After all... the ultimate stimulation with inanimate objects is to use them in a way the senses are never bored. A HUGE factor in the intrigue and stimulation derived from sexual toys and objects is a result of contradictory sensations. Hot/Cold, Soft/Hard, Fast/Slow ect.
Right at this very moment, I have a visual of you being tied up on the bed. No sheets on the bed, nothing to interfere with access to your most inner and intimate body parts.
With you, I want to first kiss your soft, full and pouty lips until I feel my cock becoming aroused. Next... I have to see, touch and kiss your fucking hot tits! God you have nice tits. Maybe you just know how to position your tits to make me want to just reach in and get a handful of tit regardless of how well I know you. I just want to see, touch and taste your tits so bad.
"God, I am so hard right now..."
After eye fucking your tits, I want to do the same with your wet, throbbing pussy. Begin by touching your pussy with nothing but the air from my lips... Then when you least expect it, plunge my tongue deep into your pink pussy lips that are shining and bulging from excitement. I want to suck on your hard and erect clit and stroke that hard clit with my tongue till you moan and say FUCK ME NOW!
Oh, by the way... When you say FUCK ME NOW... I will climb up and tickle your clit with the head of my cock until you arch your back trying to make your pussy swallow my cock. I want to tease you with my cock... Put just the head of my cock into your steaming pussy. Just allowing my cock head to penetrate your lips over and over.
Then I want to come around and let you suck my balls and touch my hard cock with your hands while I eat your wet soft cunt with my tongue, lips and maybe even a nibble from my teeth. Not hard though, just enough to let you know I could have.
I am feeling a bit tired of the restraints now. I want you to want to climb up me like I am a tree just to get on my cock. Damn... I am so ready to plunge my entire cock into you until I feel the end of your pussy. I want to rub your cervix with my cock, filling you completely with my entire cock.
When you get really wet and turned on, I am going to slip a vibrator inside your pussy along with my cock. Both my cock and the vibrator inside you. Then just lay there, focusing on kissing you and feeling your tits against my hairy chest. Let my throbbing cock and the vibrator massage you from the inside out.
Before we cum, I want to lube my cock and let you slide my cock inside your tight asshole. After you get as much of my cock inside your ass, I will plunge the vibrator inside your pussy so you have been penetrated with my cock and the vibrator at the same time.
By now, we are both ready to get off... Put my cock back inside your pussy and let me get on top. I will ride your pussy until your head hits the headboard. Grind on my cock until you feel my balls in your ass. Let me push so hard inside you my balls penetrate your hot snatch!
It won't take long now. We will both have that first orgasm that rocks your world so hard your knees are weak and your head is light.
After we both cum, we lay in each others arms and regenerate some much needed strenth so we can fuck again.
Okay my little Fuck Bunny... That is my idea of our first intimate encounter. Now I have to jack off. I will finish this in just abit. Be right back...
I just remembered!!! I haven't fucked you doggie yet!!! So we will in a bit... After we rest a minute.
Well sweetie, I hope you enjoyed reading my daydream of what I hope our first fuck would be like. Add me and Fuck me or you will be missing out on one of the best fucks you will ever have baby.
I want to FUCK you...
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Bike Ride

I was at home doing some work around the house that was needing to be done for weeks. By noon, I had most of the work inside done, and decided it was time to tackle the hideous chore of rearranging the garage and cleaning out old unwanted items. The work was strenuous and sweaty, as I moved heavy boxes around in the garage, with the temperature lurking right around the 100 degree mark outside. Inside the garage there was no breeze, only the thick clinging Oklahoma humidity that clung to ever pore on my body. I was completely exhausted and soaked in sweat by the time I had it arraigned in a manner that was acceptable.
A bath was calling my name, so I filled it up with hot water and sweet smelling baths salts that guaranteed to take the aches and pains away. I put my hair up and eased myself into the bath. The hot water stung my body, but I laid back and let it caress me. I took a few hits off a joint and sipped a glass or two of wine before I finally started to relax.
With the water soothing me all over, I sat back and nearly went to sleep. I heard my phone buzzing the announcement of a new message, so I reached over and grabbed a towel, patting my hands dry before seeing it was from the love of my life.
He told me to get ready because he was going to take me for a ride on his bike when he got back. He always knew exactly what I needed. Just when you start to feel trapped and weighed down by life, nothing clears the mind like doing 140mph down the highway, feeling the wind tingle every exposed part of your body. Plus there is always the added benefit of feeling the hypnotic rhythm of the vibration between my legs.
I had a couple hours before his arrival, so I sat on the edge of the tub and shaved my legs, and then shaved off the light new growth of hair on my vagina. I then slipped my cool body back into the warm water. I take notice of how my breasts are floating and bobbing in the water. My erect nipples were sticking out just above the water, with the cool air lapping at them. I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to squeeze them hard between my slick, wet fingers. The water had made them slippery and so soft to the touch. I bent my head down and took my left nipple in my mouth, flicking the nipple back and forth with my tongue.
I was starting to feel the tingling sensation growing in my lower stomach, signaling my need to run my hand further down my body. I ran my hands down my stomach, across my freshly shaved thighs, until my left hand came to rest between my legs. I felt my smoothly shaven cunt and cupped my hand over the entire surface, firmly squeezing it with my hand. I then used my fingers to spread my pussy lips and slowly I worked my middle finger inside and began massaging my clit, which hardened under my touch.
I realized that I needed stress relief that no bath could offer on it’s own. Still, I let myself go with the feeling, and explored my inner warm wetness, which was different than the warm water around me. Touching and playing for a while, the water started to cool, but I did not want to cum yet, as I knew later on I would be fulfilled by my lover. I stood and slowly dried myself, thinking about my adventure to come.
I dressed carefully, fully preparing myself for the ride, and then downed a couple more drinks. I put on a black skin tight, silky shirt, my black jeans with the red lace ups down the legs and my long black boots. The leather jacket would wait until later in the evening when the darkness would cool the night air. I sat down and surfed through a few channels on the TV, thinking about what I knew was to come, I couldn‘t keep from occasionally squeezing my nipples or rubbing my hand between my legs to keep me close to the edge.
I heard my lover pull up outside, so I quickly slipped into my jacket, and walked out to meet him. He had just taken his helmet off so we could kissed for a minute, before he handed me my helmet and then put his back on. With my head swimming from the alcohol, I jumped on the back and off we went.
The wind in my face felt wonderful and sent chills throughout my body. The cool night air rushed across my body as my lover began pushing over the posted speed limit. We flew down the almost deserted highway, leaving Glenpool, and heading towards Bixby. I hugged him tight and reached around to feel his chest, letting my hands slowly slip down to the zipper of his jeans. I undid the zipper and top button, and then rubbed him until he became hard in my hands. He suddenly let off the throttle, and pulled into a secluded park just off the highway. I immediately knew what he wanted.
As soon as the bike had completely stopped and he put kickstand down, I got off the bike and took off my helmet. He bought one leg over while still sitting on the bike and I pulled his jeans down a little more. He held his shirt up a little as I started to lick and nibble at his chest, slowing working my way up to kiss his neck. Then I came back down to his chest area and slowly worked my way down lower, licking, sucking and nibbling all the way down until I reached the heavenly scent of his cock.
I deeply inhaled the fresh, clean scent of his manhood, then slowly took his hard cock into my mouth. I heard him moan with the pleasure of feeling the warmth and wetness of my mouth. At first I went slow, then quickly picked up speed, going faster and faster, with one hand supporting my weight against the bike, while the other cradled his balls. I could feel he was about to cum, so I slowed down and stopped, not wanting him to cum just yet. He had fire in his eyes as I looked up at him and teasingly smiled. I gave him one last lick suck, deep throating his cock, then pulling off his like a girl sucking on a lollipop. I quickly turned and put my helmet back on, getting on the back before he could say another word.
He gave me a devious grin, and then took off out of the picnic area like a man possessed. I had him worked up enough that I did not have to play the game of reaching around to touch him again. I knew he was headed for his house so I could finish him properly, and so I could be paid back for the teasing. My mind giggled with excitement as we flew down the blacktop road.
We sped along the highway, overtaking cars that felt like they were standing still. The excitement of going so fast, the build up of earlier on in the tub, the sucking of his wonderful cock, and the throbbing of the bike between my legs was making it nearly impossible to concentrate on anything else, but getting back to his place so we could make love.
Once again I felt him slow down, but I knew we were no where near his house. I began looking around and saw over my left shoulder a police car with lights on pulling us over. “Damn, I thought to myself, this can’t be happening now,” all I wanted was to get back to his house fast.
We came to a stop once again down a small access road, and the police officer came up to talk to us. He looked like the typically average cop, around six feet tall, with wide broad shoulders, and a smoothly shaven head. It was a big turn on for me, especially since my lover kept his head that way. They both reminded me of the sexy Vin Diesel, with his strong biceps and cleanly shaven body.
In a deep voice, he asked if there was an emergency, and because I had a few drinks earlier, I was a little brazen and told him that yes there was an emergency. He asked what the emergency was and I proudly proclaimed with a devilish grin, “if we don’t get back to my lover’s house fast, I’m going to explode because I needed his cock in me, pumping me hard until I cum.”
I felt my lover stiffen slightly and gave a nervous giggle. He knew we were in for a serious fine, and possible jail, considering how fast we were going. I reached around and started feeling his cock once more while the officer gave a look of surprise. My lovers cock was instantly rock solid and pressing hard against his jeans. With a sexy little grin, the police officer said that maybe I should show him exactly what we had planned so he could tell if it was a real emergency.
I threw my leg over the back of the bike, ripped the helmet off and turned to my lover, looking him in the eye while once again undoing his jeans. He shuddered from anticipation. I greedily took his hard cock in my mouth and gave him head again while he was sitting on the bike. Suddenly I felt the police officer grab my ass and start to run his hand down my back.
My lover looked over and saw this, which sent him over the edge and he began cumming in my mouth. I thought to myself how much it must have turned him on, for it was doing me the same way, leaving my underwear completely soaked. I was so wet I could feel my dampness through my jeans, and felt the swelling of my clit.
I told the officer that maybe he should help me out and give my lover a few moments to recover. He didn’t need telling twice and eagerly bent me over the bike, ripping at the button and zipper of my jeans, pulling them down while working on his own. He grabbed my hair and pulled it back as he roughly entered me from behind.
My lover got off the bike, and stood back to watch me being fucked hard doggy style. He came around and started playing with my breasts, keeping an eye on the action going on behind me. I quickly came as the officer thrust deep in my cunt. I could feel the wetness run down my leg as his cock continued to slam in and out of my hole. I couldn’t hold myself and the officers 200lb thrusting weight anymore and asked if we could go to the back of the police car. The officer pulled his wet cock from my dripping cunt and we all started walking towards his patrol car.
When we got to the back of his car, the officer teasingly said that it looked like I knew what I was doing when I gave head and wanted to know if he could feel for himself. I gave him a devious grin, as he stood on one side of the patrol car with the door open. I then laid down on my stomach across the seat and started to give him head. I felt my lover come around from behind and insert his thick cock into my already dripping wet cunt.
As he watched me give head to the officer, my lover thrust his cock in and out with the speed that quickly induced a toe tingling sensation as I came hard. The insides of my pussy walls swelled as I got off, and tightly clung to my lovers cock. He continued to pound mercilessly at my cunt as my cum dripped onto the seat of the patrol car.
The big officer pulled his cock from my mouth, as my lover and I changed places. I sat on top of him rubbing his cock against the bottom of my cunt, rocking it back in forth. My lover stuck his finger in my ass rubbing it around as he stroked in and out of my cunt. I saw the officer disappear from in front of me, and then I felt him come around behind me and climb into the car.
I felt the officer rubbing his cock against my ass, as my lover continued to shove upward into my shaven pussy. I had never had two dicks in me at one time, and was a little frightened by the ideal, but I didn’t say no when I felt him rubbing the head against my tight anal opening.
We all grunted out loud when the officer was finally able to break through the opening and slid his cock head inside. It was painful, but a nice painful sensation. My lover eyes rolled back in his head as he shoved upward hard when the officer’s cock finally made its way deep into my ass. I was screaming with pleasure as one cock went in my cunt, and the other one went up my ass. The officer grabbed the back of my hair with one hand, and squeezed my ass with his other hand, while my lover sucked hard on my left nipple.
Within minutes of the thrusting I began to tighten firmly around the meaty cocks, whimpering loudly as each cock fought for room in my holes. The intense pleasure soon sent me over the edge and I began screaming as cum squirted from my pussy. The officer pulled out my ass and shot his creamy load all over my ass opening, as my lover unloaded his love juice deep inside my tighten walls.
We were all breathless and red in the face as we finished the act. With a well satisfied grin, the officer said that he now understood that it had been a true emergency and that we should be on our way. But before he left, he invited us to go bike riding with him next weekend. Sounds like my kind of fun...hehe.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Pool Party
Sent to me by a reader of this site...feel free to send me your own sexy story if you like, just let me know if you want your name posted on the story or you can leave it anonymously.

My husband and I had taken a vacation at one of those timeshare resorts in Orlando. We decided to take a late night swim at one of the 3 swimming pools on the property. The pool house had lots of floating toys and rafts. We picked out one flat raft and another single chair that floated half in the water and half out of the water.
There were a few other people at the pool but they soon left, and this is when things got interesting. I have always wanted to have sex in a swimming pool and I knew it wouldn’t take much to get my husband in the mood, too. I pulled my bikini top down so that my tits were exposed. I went over to the chair my husband was floating in and started rubbing my tits against his legs. He’s a sucker for my tits and within a minute, he was sporting a big fat hard on. I pulled his swim trunks down and his massive cock popped out, the swollen head just above the water level. I teased the head of his cock with my tongue, and before you know it I was bobbing my face in and out of the water to get as much of his cock in my mouth as possible.
I brought him to the brink of cumming several times, but stopped short every time, because I wanted his cum inside me. We traded places in the chair and soon he was licking my pussy and sucking my clit so nicely that I thought I would cream his tongue right then. But he was also going to make me wait, and he teased me for several more minutes, alternating tongue and finger to my throbbing pussy and clit.
I couldn’t hold my pussy still for one minute longer,I really wanted to get on his cock, so I told him to get on the floating raft so I could ride his cock. It took a little maneuvering but the raft was not very wide, so I was able to get on it and get down on his cock, which was pure and simple heaven. Just then we heard some people coming, so I quickly pulled my bikini top over my tits and hard nipples. We both sat up on the raft, which took our asses down into the water, and pretended as if we were just floating around together on the raft. The cool water felt really good on my fiery pussy, which only made me all the more eager to slide up and down on that nice hard cock. All the while, his cock was so hard inside me that it was tough to act normal when the people came to the pool looking for a diving mask they had left behind. They even started asking us questions, like if we were on our honeymoon and if we had been to Disneyworld yet.
As soon as the other vacationers left, I started to just gently rock on that glorious cock. The look on my husbands face showed that he was enjoying it as much as I was. In this position, my husband was able to lean down and suck my nipples while I sat on him, engulfing his cock with my spasming pussy. I had him lay back so that I could get some real movement, and I rode his cock nice and slow, which drove him wild and had me on the edge of cumming with every stroke.
After several minutes of this, we were both ready to cum. So, in perfect unison, we both sat up and put our asses down into the water. The cool water again felt so good on my pussy, and he got his cock into me so deep, that I could not hold off cumming for another minute. He came at the same time and my pussy squeezed his cock so tight that it felt like we would never get apart. We just sat there for another few minutes, not believing how amazing that had felt, when suddenly we heard another group of vacationers coming. We got down into the water, got our suits back on. My husband gave me a wink and we got out of the pool.

My husband and I had taken a vacation at one of those timeshare resorts in Orlando. We decided to take a late night swim at one of the 3 swimming pools on the property. The pool house had lots of floating toys and rafts. We picked out one flat raft and another single chair that floated half in the water and half out of the water.
There were a few other people at the pool but they soon left, and this is when things got interesting. I have always wanted to have sex in a swimming pool and I knew it wouldn’t take much to get my husband in the mood, too. I pulled my bikini top down so that my tits were exposed. I went over to the chair my husband was floating in and started rubbing my tits against his legs. He’s a sucker for my tits and within a minute, he was sporting a big fat hard on. I pulled his swim trunks down and his massive cock popped out, the swollen head just above the water level. I teased the head of his cock with my tongue, and before you know it I was bobbing my face in and out of the water to get as much of his cock in my mouth as possible.
I brought him to the brink of cumming several times, but stopped short every time, because I wanted his cum inside me. We traded places in the chair and soon he was licking my pussy and sucking my clit so nicely that I thought I would cream his tongue right then. But he was also going to make me wait, and he teased me for several more minutes, alternating tongue and finger to my throbbing pussy and clit.
I couldn’t hold my pussy still for one minute longer,I really wanted to get on his cock, so I told him to get on the floating raft so I could ride his cock. It took a little maneuvering but the raft was not very wide, so I was able to get on it and get down on his cock, which was pure and simple heaven. Just then we heard some people coming, so I quickly pulled my bikini top over my tits and hard nipples. We both sat up on the raft, which took our asses down into the water, and pretended as if we were just floating around together on the raft. The cool water felt really good on my fiery pussy, which only made me all the more eager to slide up and down on that nice hard cock. All the while, his cock was so hard inside me that it was tough to act normal when the people came to the pool looking for a diving mask they had left behind. They even started asking us questions, like if we were on our honeymoon and if we had been to Disneyworld yet.
As soon as the other vacationers left, I started to just gently rock on that glorious cock. The look on my husbands face showed that he was enjoying it as much as I was. In this position, my husband was able to lean down and suck my nipples while I sat on him, engulfing his cock with my spasming pussy. I had him lay back so that I could get some real movement, and I rode his cock nice and slow, which drove him wild and had me on the edge of cumming with every stroke.
After several minutes of this, we were both ready to cum. So, in perfect unison, we both sat up and put our asses down into the water. The cool water again felt so good on my pussy, and he got his cock into me so deep, that I could not hold off cumming for another minute. He came at the same time and my pussy squeezed his cock so tight that it felt like we would never get apart. We just sat there for another few minutes, not believing how amazing that had felt, when suddenly we heard another group of vacationers coming. We got down into the water, got our suits back on. My husband gave me a wink and we got out of the pool.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Against the Wall

I could hear voices talking excitedly nearby, as they made their way inside the Action Lounge in Broken Arrow. I could hear the steady thump of music radiating through the thick wall behind me. It’s sultry, sexy beat influenced my response. Through partly opened eyes, I stared into the damp, night sky, and noticed the barely visible moon, which only allowed a small glimmer of light to shine through the ink-like blackness of the night.
The warm heat of his breath on my neck, sent shivers down my spine as he pressed me firmly against the wall to restrain me from too much movement. His need for dominance became evident. His hands freely roamed, exploring the curves of my body before he grasped my wrists, and pinned them above my head. His one strong hand was all it took to keep me immobile from the waist up. His free hand was searching for access below the flimsy material that concealed my aroused flesh. I squirmed against him with false need to break free. I could tell, it only excited him more. My hips writhed against the swelling bulge trapped within his pants.
His mouth hungered for the soft skin heaving shamelessly from the beneath the boundaries of my skirt. Breathlessly he mumbled, “My God you taste so good …” His grip on my wrists loosened. “… Your scent is intoxicating.”
Lightly applied Safari floated in the air, mixing with the aroma of imminent sex. The fragrance lured us into recklessness. His need for control was abandoned as his hand released its hold on my wrists. My freed hands pulled him closer. I couldn’t help but grope his hard cock through the thick jean material. The temptation to satisfy my curiosity drew me in. I teased him deliberately.
We paid no attention to the people passing by in the near distance. Enticed by the forbidden chance that we might be caught, our arousal heightened. The darkness of the night and shadows cast by nearby buildings would hopefully mask our secret encounter. Still, I knew our intensifying moans of lust could give us away at any moment.
He backed away slightly, hesitating a moment in enjoyment as I rub my hand across his trapped bulging cock. Sensations coursed through his body, which left him in a needful state. His hands were pressed hard against the roughness of the wall to steady himself.
“ Mmmm … Your so hard,” I whispered gently in his ear. Gazing deeply into his eyes, I taunted him with the devilish grin that spread across my face. “Is all that for me?” I asked in a breathless tone.
Playing into the game I had begun, he answered, “ Damn right it is,” he said covering my lips hungrily. His kiss was demanding at first … then softened. His lips slowly parted from mine, neither of us wanting the kiss to end. “ … And you’ll love every inch of it.” He concluded in a barely audible voice.
I didn’t let on, but I never doubted the enjoyment I would soon receive. The past familiarity we shared had prepared me for our impending intimacy. Over time, the flames of desire had burned fiercely. Which ultimately stripped away any restraint I might of possessed. The control he felt he needed to obtain had already been bestowed upon him.
There we stood alone, between two buildings groping each other with wild abandonment. His hand slipped under my skirt and forced my legs apart. He searched for the pleasure that overflowed within me. He smiled confidently as his fingers slipped beyond the silk material concealing my wet pussy. The look on his face told me such an eager response to his touch hadn’t been foreseen. He was pleased with himself.
Slowly, he began to slide his fingers in and out of my wetness. He teased my clit intentionally between each thrust. If his intentions were to drive me crazy it was working. I held on tightly grinding my hips against him like a bitch in heat. Each wave of pleasure was more intense than the one before, as my orgasm drew nearer.
“ Ohhhh … God … Yessssss!” stumbled out of my mouth. The uncontrollable spasms of release had descended upon me. I rode each wave of passion until it began to subside. He slipped his fingers from my pussy and brought them closer to his face. With both fingers completely immersed in his mouth he began to suck my juices from them. His eyes closed as I watched him inhale the sweet scent of desire.
Satisfied he had devoured every lingering trace, I heard him command, “ Get on your knees … now.” He was quiet so as not to call attention to us, yet his voice remained firm. I knelt willingly before him on a small patch of grass growing between the buildings. He unbuttoned his jeans and lowered the zipper until it wouldn’t go any further. I noticed that he was having difficulty sliding his jeans down over his hard cock. It had become so swollen with arousal that I think it even surprised him. In the faint starlight, I detected a glint of pre-cum glistening at the tip. It was enticing me to take a taste … to lick it clean. I could feel him begging me to suck him to full hardness as I teased the end of his cock. His cock twitched in anticipation, beckoning me to fulfill its need.
I admired his thickness for only a moment, before I felt his hand cup the back of my head. Urging me forward. His fingers entangled within my hair to anchor his grasp. “Suck me.” he ordered in a low growl. I lowered my mouth over his length until I wasn’t able to take anymore. My lips hugged his cock tightly, as I began my slow torturous descent. “ Mmmm, Yeah that’s it baby.”
My mouth slid hungrily up and down his cock. The rhythm accelerated, as I became more comfortable with his size. I became obsessed with the task at hand, sucking him harder and faster. I wanted to hear him beg for release … to lose control.
His grasp on my head tightened, as he held me still to receive his thrusts. I fondled his balls with my free hand, raking my nails lightly along the taut skin. He slowed his frantic pace to keep from releasing too soon. Both of my hands slid around to cup the well-defined roundness of his backside. I caressed the soft flesh invitingly, which almost sent him over the edge. His thrusting stopped abruptly. “Stop …” he begged, “I’m not ready yet.” I moaned in disapproval as my lips slipped from the end of his cock. “Get up.”
He had something else in mind … something I longed for. To feel him deep inside of me, filling me completely with his hard cock. Fucking me hard and fast until neither of us could hold back any longer. I stood slowly, brushing the remnants of sand that clung to my knees. He was impatient. His lips assaulted mine with intense need. I reciprocated feverishly, with no intention of denying my own needs.
His hands clawed at my top trying to release my breast from its prison. He found success, as my left breast was exposed to the night air. The darkened color of my nipple stood out against the paleness of my skin. He leaned down and caught the erect nipple in his mouth, sucking at it hard. His tongue teased me in between each playful nibble. I didn’t know if I wanted to pull him closer or beg him to stop. Within seconds, the decision was no longer mine.
Turning me around to face the wall, he lifted the bottom of my skirt, so that the backside rested at my waist. “You better use the wall to steady yourself.” He suggested. I bent slightly at the waist and did as he said. With my hands against the wall I felt him tug at the sides of my lacy panties. Evidently, they didn’t give way as he intended. I felt him tear at each side until the unwanted restriction was removed. They lay in a heap on the ground beside my feet no longer functional. His intensity scared me a little … which excited even more.
For some reason I briefly glanced toward the exit of the bar. A couple of guys stood outside and appeared to be talking quietly to each other. “Had they heard us?” I wondered silently. They looked around inquisitively, as if searching for something they heard, but couldn’t see.
I felt the head of his cock pressing against me from behind. He rubbed it up and down the length of my pussy until it was covered with my juices. His fingers slipped in and out of my hole a couple of times. I felt him position the head of his cock against my opening once again and waited for the initial thrust. He grasped my hips firmly and plunged forward. His hard swollen cock pierced the tightness surrounding my womanhood. I flinched at the initial discomfort, but quickly surrendered to the delightful fullness I felt deep within. His cock, slick with cum, slid in deeply, until his groin rested against my fleshy cheeks … unable to plunge any deeper.
A groan of undeniable ecstasy escaped his lips. I mirrored his verbal approval with my own deep moan of appreciation. My hand involuntarily reached for my exposed nipple. Rolling and pinching it between my fingers I waited for the emptiness of his outstroke … followed by another deep thrust into my tingling depths. Every nerve ending felt alive with sexual tension. He continued teasing me, slowly pulling outward … then thrusting deep. It wasn’t long before I insisted he stop the insatiable teasing. “Fuck me damn it!”
At my request, he began driving his hard cock into me. He had every intention of continuing until he had nothing left to offer. His deep hard thrusts gave new meaning to the saying, “Hurts so good.” It wasn’t long before I was pounding against him in perfect unison. I abandoned the need to touch myself, when I realized both hands would be needed to steady myself against his driving force. I held on tightly to the brick support I found necessary, while my sanity slipped between the cracks of the wall. Our impending climax heightened. I was so close.
The climatic quiver began in my toes and vibrated throughout my entire body. The intensity seemed to double once it reached my pussy. I could feel it throb involuntarily around his shaft. He couldn’t hold back any longer. Thrusting into me one final time he emptied his load into my depths. He pressed against me exhausted allowing my orgasm to milk him dry.
His spent member slipped slowly from between my legs, as it was still very sensitive to touch. I turned toward him and began to readjust my clothing. A smile was upon both our faces. I guess I could assume confidently, that both of us were completely satisfied with the night’s outcome. He fastened the button on his pants. “So, are you planning on going in?” he asked. He nodded towards the back door that people had been using all night. “Or would you prefer to go somewhere else?”
That little devilish grin formed on my lips once again, as I replied, “Somewhere else sounds like a lot more fun. You coming?”
“You know I will.”
Friday, July 3, 2009
Stalking Can be Fun

This story, like most all others on my site, is purely a work of fiction from a writers mind that is sometimes not always stable, but she stills enjoys a good naughty story. No harm to any actual person will every occur.
She wasn’t following you, but I was. I was watching you as you drove down the highway, turning left and then back right. I see where you’re going. Into the store for a quick drink, and maybe a little chatting with the cute girl standing in line. Then a stop at the smoke shop for a pack of cigarettes to smoke during the times when you are bored out of your mind and waiting on some criminal to break the law. After all, you’ve got to use those shinny new cuffs for something.
Are you watching me? I’m watching you. Are you afraid of me? You might want to be.
Some people will tell that preparation is the key, and they are not totally wrong, still I prefer the spur of the moment decision in picking out a random officer to stalk. Then I’ll watch him for days, learning the times when he is at home, where he goes when he leaves, writing down all the important notes in my spiral bound notebook to study later. Personally, I don’t won’t a defenseless victim… That’s why I target law enforcement… I want someone who will try to fight back.
The most important factor in successful stalking is not getting so close that your target figures out you’re following them. If they figure out you’re following them, they will bolt like a scared little rabbit, ruining in future plans of torture to your victim.
Next follow them home. Once you’ve found out where he lives, you can easily monitor when he is at home and when he is working. Making it easy to find the right time to creep into his house and maybe remove a few personal items to keep as trophies, or just to touch and smell later. Since they are in law enforcement, doing something to draw them away from their house is a easy thing to accomplish.
Just make sure you study the layout of his house while there, that way when you return it won’t be a problem navigating your way around in the dark.
It’s also a lot of fun looking through his windows later… you watch him as he stands beside his bed and removes the keys hanging from the front of his belt, along with the extra set of cuffs hanging in the back. He slowly removes the belt from around his waist that holds his weapon on the right side of his body. He then removes his badge from over his heart and sets it gently on the table near his bed along with the pen he has used that day to write law breakers citations. He removes his radio and then unbuttons the front of his shirt, exposing the bullet proof vest underneath. Carefully he removes the straps and tosses the vest onto a chair sitting in the corner. He stands there in only a black tee-shirt and his pants with the many pockets, each filled with various items needed to fulfill his duty requirements.
I observe my target and establish his routine. I may even find him online so I can learn his habits, what he likes and doesn’t like. I want to know what he knows. Eat where he eats. I want to watch him each day and night as he finishes removing the last few articles of clothing from his body, exposing his fully nude body. Is it then that he feels the most vulnerable? Should I attack him then?
The Break-in
It was all too easy, I thought with a wide smile across my face. He had just gotten off duty and would probably be standing next to his bed getting ready to make love to his wife. As his wife watches him removing his uniform, I was busy cutting the main phone line into the house and then unlocking the side door leading into his garage. Walking silently into the dark garage, I find the door leading into the kitchen. There was no need for a light of any sort because I had been in his house many times before and easily knew where everything was located.
Suddenly there was a flash of a light being turned on, and the sound of a man’s voice broke through the quiet night air.
“Who’s there?” his deep voice shouted from the other side of the room.
I froze for a second, and then looked up to see it was my prey standing there in nothing but his boxers. For a man in his forties, he still looked really good and was in great psychical shape.
“Hey!” he shouted, “What are you doing in here?!?”
I reached into my pocket and pulled out a .38. “Don’t move or do anything crazy, and everyone will be just fine.”
Walking up behind him, I could see his lovely wife Susan wearing only an oversized nightshirt. “What’s going on James?” his wife said as she peaked over his right shoulder.
I quickly ordered them to put their hands up and to walk over to the middle of the now brightly lit dining room.
“What are you going to do to us?” Officer James asked with a shaken voice.
“Just go, we won’t say anything!!” his wife pleaded.
“Yeah sure, lady. Like I’m going to believe that,” I replied a bit skeptical. I had to do something to make sure that they never say anything to anybody. Suddenly a smile came across my face when I noticed a video camera sitting on the kitchen countertop. I turned the camera on and pointed it at both of them.
“Now, we’re all going to have some fun. Both of you take all your clothes off, now!!” I said pointing the camera at them with one hand and using the other to hold the gun in their direction.
They both looked at each other and then slowly removed the few clothes they had on. Even though they were both in their forties, they had kept themselves in good shape. She had dyed light blonde hair, fat tits, nice butt, and long slender legs. James had dark, short cut hair, with a trimmed beard and mustache, and was nicely muscled with just a slight paunchy belly hanging over a nice 7 inch limp cock.
“As you can tell, we have a problem here, I just can’t leave hoping you want come after me. You’ve seen my face and know who I am, so I can’t take the chance of going to jail. On the other hand, I don’t want to kill you, that’s just not my style. So, how can I be sure that you won’t try to come after me as soon as I leave here? Well, let just say I‘m going to take some rather explicit home movies of you two in action. After I leave, if the cops get called or you try to come after me personally, copies of this explicit home movie will be sent to every member of your church and a to all your family.”
“How dare you try something like that!” shouted Susan.
“Well, it’s either that, or I can just put a bullet in the back of your heads and silently walk away into the night,” I stated pointing the gun back and forth at each of their foreheads. “Take your choice!” I said with force.
They both looked at each other and realized that there was no way of getting out of being filmed.
“Let’s go into the other room and get more comfortable,” James stated trying to relax the situation.
We all walked slowly into the living room with me walking behind them, holding the gun at chest level, and the camera in my other hand.
“Where are you handcuffs?” I asked pointing the weapon at James forehead.
“In the other room, next to my uniform,” James said while trying to cover his private area with both hands when he noticed me staring at his limp cock.
I walked backwards into the room, keeping the gun pointed in their direction, and picked up two set of cuffs from a small table near the bed. I walked back into the living room and shoved James down on the sofa and roughly cuffed his hands behind his back, making sure that I had over tighten them. He winched in pain, but refused to complain about how tight they were. That made me smile. I liked men who could take a good dose of pain.
I flipped James over on the couch, and then ordered his wife to suck his cock until it was hard. I had fantasized, wrote about, and dreamed about being the one tasting his sweet juice on my lips. I wanted to touch myself as I watched Susan lowered her head into her husbands lap and take his soft cock into her mouth.
“Take him deeper into your throat,” I ordered.
Susan looked up at her husbands face with scared eyes, but quickly took him full into her mouth, causing her husband to moan out loud. I watched through the view finder on the camera as her head went up and down on his now semi-hard cock. I zoomed in on the pre-cum dripping from the tip of his cock when Susan pulled her mouth off his cock.
Heat was boiling up from deep inside my own cunt, and I could feel my underwear slowly getting wet.
“Play with your pussy,” I ordered Susan as she continued lapping at his sweet cock. Her hand quickly found her clit and began rubbing it around in little circles, making her moan as she swallowed the officers now fully erect cock. I zoomed the camera in again as I watched Susan spread her legs wider and insert her middle finger. James began breathing hard as his wife worked up and down his now fully hard cock.
My own slit was on fire and needed attention.
I sat the camera in the middle of the room on a chair, making sure the entire scene was still being filmed, and walked over to the sofa. I took the second set of cuffs and placed them tightly on his wife. Then I held onto the gun with one hand and with my other I removed all my lower clothing. I stood over him at gunpoint and ordered him to lick my pussy.
I could feel the heat of his breath close to my cunt and then warmth of his tongue snaked across my clit slowly, making me almost drop the gun.
I ordered Susan to continue sucking on his cock while he hungrily lapped at my sweet pussy juice. After a few minutes, I could tell officer James was ready to empty his load when he began aggressively sucking hard on my clit. Not wanting to waste the load in his wife’s mouth, I quickly pulled my cunt away and ordered his wife to stop.
I pointed the weapon at them as I slowly stepped over James and straddled his body. I position myself over his cock and slowly let it slide into my wet, aching pussy. James moaned out loud as my cunt wrapped around his cock snuggly. While I waited for my pussy to adjusted to his huge, thick cock, I ordered Susan to sit on the officers face. Without hesitation he began greedily lapping as his wife’s pussy.
He began thrusting his cock upward as I calmly sat on his cock watching him suck on his wife’s clit. Susan closed her eyes and spread her legs wider for officer James. I could see by the look in her eyes that she knew it was useless trying to resist having an orgasm. I watched as James pushed his face harder against his wife’s cunt. He nibbled, licked, and sucked on her harden clit. When she gave way and began to cum, James began thrusting his cock harder and deeper into my wet cunt. I could see him inhaling the aroma of the fresh pussy juice dripping down from his wife’s cunt.
Seeing this, I began matching his thrust as his hard cock went in and out of my throbbing cunt. James lapped at his wife’s cum that was dripping down from deep inside. I could feel the big head of his cock swell as it forced its way deeper into my tight cunt. James began increasing the pace of his strokes, bucking his hips upward fast and hard. He slammed his thick meat deep into my pussy walls and let loose a massive load of built up cum.
When he finished releasing his load, I pulled off him and ordered Susan to lick our mixed juices from his cock. I walk over and pick up the camera and begin zooming in on her cleaning his cock. As his cock begins to harden again, I see her squirming around, aching to be fucked.
Keeping my gun pointed at James, I order him to sit up while I move the cuffs to the front. He let’s out a sigh of relief when remove the tight cuffs from his red swollen wrist. I then removed Susan’s cuffs and placed them in front. I still wanted control, but I also wanted a good show.
“Remember now, don’t do anything crazy, or I might have to use this,” I said pointing the gun back and forth between him and Susan. “Now, I want a some good porn to watch for later, so you better do a good job and fuck her until I cum.”
I sat the camera on a side table and positioned so it could get a close up of the two fucking, while I sat on the sofa, holding the gun in one hand and playing with my pussy with my other hand. “I want to see some really nice deep doggy style, with lot’s of moaning. I want some really nice sound for later.”
Handcuffed in the front he slowly slid up behind her, grasped his cock and slid the tip up and down her opening until it gave way. I could just image how her pussy must have felt like a heated silk glove. He slid it all the way to the hilt and held it there as she moaned out loud. He withdrew it and slammed it hard back into her tight, wet cunt. She yelped out as he deliberately thrust forth hard with each stroke.
She began gasping and groaning with each thrust as her pussy gripped his thick cock. As I limply held the gun in their direction, I spread my legs wider and began massaged my clit. As he fucked her harder, I began shoving two fingers deep inside my cunt, digging out the sweet juice and rubbing it against my swollen clit. I needed more to achieve the orgasm that I wanted.
“I want you to fuck her in the ass,” I say waving the gun in their direction.
Susan begins to protest, but shuts up when James begins rubbing the head of his cock over her tight ass. I pick up the camera and zoom in at her facial expressions. I see the fear in her face, as he begins applying pressure to her tight virgin opening. I hear him whispering to her to relax as he uses her cum to lubricate her anal opening, and then he begins slowly sliding his thick shaft deep into her cavity. I can see by the look in his eyes that he has always wanted anal, but she had obviously refused in the past. Now, she was left with no choice. Either do as she was told or risk being shot.
I keep the camera focused on Susan’s face as she lets out a wild scream when her opening slowly gives way, and James is deep inside. My other hand releases the gun, and instead finds my warm, moist opening. As I watch through the camera, Susan let’s out screams of pain and pleasure as James slowly works his thick shaft in and out of her tight opening. He begins rocking her ass hard as she tries to steady her handcuffed body.
I cum hard as I try to steadily film Susan laying almost flat on her face. She cries out like a wild animal and begins thrashing back against his massive cock. James looks at me and sees that I’ve dropped the gun, but he doesn’t stop. Instead a big smile comes across his face and he begins grunting like an animal, thrusting hard into his wife’s ass. I can see her massaging her clit as James slams harder into her ass. She closes her eyes and cries out as she begins squirting cum from her drenched pussy. James roars out loud and gives one last hard thrust as he shoots his sweet load deep into his wife’s ass.
By the time they turn around, the only thing left behind is a set of handcuff keys. I am already gone out the side door with the camera in hand. It will be a wonderful trophy for later…. Hehe.
Friday, June 19, 2009
How to Give a Blowjob
Whether you use the technical term fellatio or call it a blow job, going down on a man, or giving him head, performing fellatio is an act that requires a lot of trust and a little bit of knowledge. Social messages about fellatio suggest that guys love it so much they don’t care about technique. In reality there is a lot of variation in fellatio skills, and knowing how to read your partner, what to do to him, and when to do it can make all the difference. If you've got the basics down you can read more about advanced fellatio technique.
Time Required: Fellatio can be fast and dirty or slow and seductive, no set time required.
Here's How:
Start him off nice and clean.
Social stigma seems to focus on the taste of women’s genitals more than men’s. In fact men can smell and taste just as strong as women. If you're new to fellatio, you might be worried about taste and smell. If so, suggest a sexy bath or shower together and start with a clean slate. You can also add a bit of flavored personal lubricant to his penis or put on a flavored condom, which is great for safer oral sex.
Physical comfort is key.
You can’t have fun and perform well if you’re not physically comfortable, and fellatio can put a strain on your neck and jaw. Kneeling before him on a pillow, while he’s standing or sitting, gives you good range of motion and plenty of access. If you’ve had bad experiences with fellatio where you felt lack of control, have him on his back and crouch in between his legs. Giving head can put you in a major power position, if you like that feeling then go for it.
Tease him with touch.
Using your hands first, gently caress his inner thighs, penis, testicles, and perineum, paying attention to his reactions (verbal and facial) as you touch certain spots. The most sensitive spot on a guy’s penis is the head (known as the glans), especially the frenulum, an indentation between the glans and the shaft on the underside of the penis. You might want to brush up on your knowledge of male sexual anatomy , to know what you’re working with.
Give him a lick.
Follow up with your tongue, exploring the same terrain using slow wide strokes with your tongue. Don’t be afraid to use lots of saliva, as this natural lube feels great and helps create friction and suction. There are many STDs that can be passed during fellatio, using flavored condoms is a great way to practice safer sex and deal with any taste you may not like. It is also a perfect way to get guys who say they have difficulty with condoms, to gladly put one on.
Take him in your mouth.
When he’s semi-erect, slowly guide your lips over the tip of his penis, making sure your lips cover your teeth as you slide gently down his shaft as far as you’re comfortable. Keep your mouth taut, as the pressure from your lips will feel great as they glide down the penis. Putting him in your mouth before he is fully erect is a good way of getting comfortable with the size of his penis, particularly if he is in the larger range.
Watch the gag reflex.
If you’re not adept at deep throat (taking the whole penis in your mouth), don’t try it or you’ll trigger the gag reflex. It’s not necessary and a similar effect can be achieved with the hand and mouth technique described below. With practice, you can learn to relax your gag reflex and take in more of the penis.
Use your mouth and tongue.
As your head travels up the underside of the penis, flatten your tongue so it gives his frenulum a nice wide, wet stroke. Don’t be afraid to try different types of licks or kisses—the lips feel good when popped over the ridge of the penis—but perform each stroke repeatedly before changing to give consistent pleasure.
Have fun with the foreskin.
If your partner is uncircumcised, insert your tongue into the foreskin and circle around the head with it. You can also use your fingers to gently massage the head through the foreskin, alternating with deep tongue licks.
Using your mouth and hand, tip #1.
A great blow job incorporates both hands and mouth. Place one hand around the shaft of his penis while you move up and down on the top half of his penis. Try coordinating your movements so your hand and mouth are going up and down in unison. If you're partner is thrusting, your hand will prevent his penis from being pushed too far into your mouth.
Using your mouth and hand, tip #2.
If he likes this combination, bring your hand all the way up the shaft (following your mouth), remove your mouth briefly, use your palm to slide and twist over the head (as if you were juicing an orange), and then glide your hand back down followed by your mouth again. Repeat.
Let him come.
When he’s ready to orgasm, keep your movements consistent and firm—don’t slack off. Once he starts ejaculating, see him through with a few strokes and then stop, as most men don’t want continued stimulation once they’ve ejaculated and had an orgasm.
To swallow or not to swallow?
This decision is entirely up to you. There's nothing wrong with you if you don't want to, but it's nice to let your partner know it's nothing personal. If you don't want to swallow, and you aren’t familiar with the signs of imminent ejaculation, let him know you want a warning. Remove your mouth as he's about to ejaculate, and continue hand stroking through his orgasm.
Don’t forget the rest of his body. The scrotum and testicles (balls) are particularly sensitive, and most men like them to be stimulated. Try lightly licking or touching his testicles during oral sex. He might also like them to be cradled gently in one of your hands. Some men go wild when you place your hand around the top of the scrotum and gently tug down.
You can also apply pressure to his perineum (the spot between his anus and his penis) with one or two fingers, as this also can feel good.
He might like wearing a butt plug during fellatio for added prostate stimulation. Or you can apply pressure to his anus with one of your fingers.
Time Required: Fellatio can be fast and dirty or slow and seductive, no set time required.
Here's How:
Start him off nice and clean.
Social stigma seems to focus on the taste of women’s genitals more than men’s. In fact men can smell and taste just as strong as women. If you're new to fellatio, you might be worried about taste and smell. If so, suggest a sexy bath or shower together and start with a clean slate. You can also add a bit of flavored personal lubricant to his penis or put on a flavored condom, which is great for safer oral sex.
Physical comfort is key.
You can’t have fun and perform well if you’re not physically comfortable, and fellatio can put a strain on your neck and jaw. Kneeling before him on a pillow, while he’s standing or sitting, gives you good range of motion and plenty of access. If you’ve had bad experiences with fellatio where you felt lack of control, have him on his back and crouch in between his legs. Giving head can put you in a major power position, if you like that feeling then go for it.
Tease him with touch.
Using your hands first, gently caress his inner thighs, penis, testicles, and perineum, paying attention to his reactions (verbal and facial) as you touch certain spots. The most sensitive spot on a guy’s penis is the head (known as the glans), especially the frenulum, an indentation between the glans and the shaft on the underside of the penis. You might want to brush up on your knowledge of male sexual anatomy , to know what you’re working with.
Give him a lick.
Follow up with your tongue, exploring the same terrain using slow wide strokes with your tongue. Don’t be afraid to use lots of saliva, as this natural lube feels great and helps create friction and suction. There are many STDs that can be passed during fellatio, using flavored condoms is a great way to practice safer sex and deal with any taste you may not like. It is also a perfect way to get guys who say they have difficulty with condoms, to gladly put one on.
Take him in your mouth.
When he’s semi-erect, slowly guide your lips over the tip of his penis, making sure your lips cover your teeth as you slide gently down his shaft as far as you’re comfortable. Keep your mouth taut, as the pressure from your lips will feel great as they glide down the penis. Putting him in your mouth before he is fully erect is a good way of getting comfortable with the size of his penis, particularly if he is in the larger range.
Watch the gag reflex.
If you’re not adept at deep throat (taking the whole penis in your mouth), don’t try it or you’ll trigger the gag reflex. It’s not necessary and a similar effect can be achieved with the hand and mouth technique described below. With practice, you can learn to relax your gag reflex and take in more of the penis.
Use your mouth and tongue.
As your head travels up the underside of the penis, flatten your tongue so it gives his frenulum a nice wide, wet stroke. Don’t be afraid to try different types of licks or kisses—the lips feel good when popped over the ridge of the penis—but perform each stroke repeatedly before changing to give consistent pleasure.
Have fun with the foreskin.
If your partner is uncircumcised, insert your tongue into the foreskin and circle around the head with it. You can also use your fingers to gently massage the head through the foreskin, alternating with deep tongue licks.
Using your mouth and hand, tip #1.
A great blow job incorporates both hands and mouth. Place one hand around the shaft of his penis while you move up and down on the top half of his penis. Try coordinating your movements so your hand and mouth are going up and down in unison. If you're partner is thrusting, your hand will prevent his penis from being pushed too far into your mouth.
Using your mouth and hand, tip #2.
If he likes this combination, bring your hand all the way up the shaft (following your mouth), remove your mouth briefly, use your palm to slide and twist over the head (as if you were juicing an orange), and then glide your hand back down followed by your mouth again. Repeat.
Let him come.
When he’s ready to orgasm, keep your movements consistent and firm—don’t slack off. Once he starts ejaculating, see him through with a few strokes and then stop, as most men don’t want continued stimulation once they’ve ejaculated and had an orgasm.
To swallow or not to swallow?
This decision is entirely up to you. There's nothing wrong with you if you don't want to, but it's nice to let your partner know it's nothing personal. If you don't want to swallow, and you aren’t familiar with the signs of imminent ejaculation, let him know you want a warning. Remove your mouth as he's about to ejaculate, and continue hand stroking through his orgasm.
Don’t forget the rest of his body. The scrotum and testicles (balls) are particularly sensitive, and most men like them to be stimulated. Try lightly licking or touching his testicles during oral sex. He might also like them to be cradled gently in one of your hands. Some men go wild when you place your hand around the top of the scrotum and gently tug down.
You can also apply pressure to his perineum (the spot between his anus and his penis) with one or two fingers, as this also can feel good.
He might like wearing a butt plug during fellatio for added prostate stimulation. Or you can apply pressure to his anus with one of your fingers.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Think of You

You're lying on my bed, naked against my soon to be sullied crisp white sheets. I’m naked too, on top of you and nibbling on your earlobe. I kiss your lips, your neck, nip your nipples, plant soft lipped smooches all down your abdomen, tongue your belly button, part your legs a little, crouch between them, gently bite your inner thighs, and settle comfortably where I want to be.
I dip my tongue in under your foreskin – just a little tease before I get you to come out to play. With a broad flat tongue I lick the underside of your cock from base to tip. With the back of my tongue I lick your front side. Alternating between the front and back of my tongue, I lick the sides of your cock. I do this again – under, front, side, side – until you've been licked all over like a melting tangle twister, and your head has popped out to see what all the licking’s about.
I tongue your balls with slow broad laps, then carefully suck one of them into my mouth and hold it there. At the same time I grasp the shaft of your dick and work it slowly up and down. I let your ball ease out of my mouth again, and using the tensed tip of my tongue I flick back over your perenium, before travelling up between your balls, tracing a line to the tip of a perfectly erect dick. I circle the head with my tongue. I get a bit juicy, letting my saliva trickle down the shaft. I circle my tongue round and round. I am holding your cock at the base, nice and firm, and circling my tongue, round and around the tip.
I find the sinewy vein on the underside of the head and change from my circling to flick it, butterfly-like, over and over, before easing back into circles. I look up at you. You're watching me – that desperate pleasure face. I love it. It’s so funny, yet so hot. I’m sure you can see me laughing at you with my eyes.
I allow my tongue circles to go deeper, until I have snaked half-way down the shaft and taken your whole head in my mouth. I pull my lips tight over my teeth to make a ridge, and bring my mouth up and down your beauitful cock, working the base with my right hand at the same time. I get into a rhythm. Sometimes I flick or circle the head with my tongue when I get to the top. I can feel your excitement building. But I don’t want that yet.
I slow down. I clasp my fingers, like a cockring, around the base of your dick. I hold just the tip in my mouth and I suck it hard. I know this is intense, so I make sure not to do it for too long, and I vary the strength and rhythm of my sucking. When I figure enough’s enough, I start to flick the head with my tongue again, before lowering my mouth down on your cock like before. I build up a rhythm, but this time, when my mouth gets to the tip I come right off, circle the head of your cock with my palm, before lowering my mouth onto you again. You're starting to make those funny noises, so I slow down a little and revert to my previous mouth and hand technique. I'm not finished with you yet.
With my free hand I pinch the skin between your balls, pull it downwards slightly and massage it gently with my fingers. It’s awful hard to massage in little circles with one hand while you’re wanking up and down with the other. Real pat your head, rub your tummy stuff. But I manage.
You're getting good and grunty again. I look up at you, your mouth is open, and you're in some excruciating reverie. I decide to let you have your release. I speed up on your shaft and tip, while with my massaging hand I stop pinching in order to circle one spit slippery finger around your anus. Your tummy is heaving in short sharp contractions, you're tensed into a half sit-up, I push the tip of my finger into your ass, and you cum, growling loudly. My mouth fills with cum (some of which I swallow, and some of which I spit, as I’ve never been very decisive), while your anus contracts rhythmically around my finger tip. Your noises and contractions reverberate into stillness. It was so fucking hot, I nearly came myself.
Unfortunately, I have killed you. Damn.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Dark Room

I met my girlfriend Tonya for dinner one evening last week and, over dinner, she told me about this place visited called “The Dark Room”. It’s a quaint place with a cozy, intimate restaurant out front, but the back door takes you to a house of fantasies. There is, of course, a small fee but you get to live out your most intimate fantasies there, and they remain forever yours.
Tonya shared with me the hot and steamy details of her visit and I found myself so turned on that I began to think about my unfulfilled fantasy. Each night since, I have masturbated with my eyes closed, envisioning my erotic jungle experience. Today, unable to think about much else, I called her to ask for the number. I spoke with the Mistress there and arranged to meet her and embark upon my erotic journey into the jungle.
We met that afternoon, discussed the details, and set the date for the next Wednesday afternoon. I keep reliving every detail out of the adventure in my mind, and I didn’t think I would be able to wait the five days until I would finally get there.
Time seems to have dragged so slowly this past week. I’ve gotten my hair done, had my hands and feet perfectly manicured and pedicured, and I even spent time in the sun beds to tan my body. I’ve worked out harder than usual and feel sure that I’ll look like the sexiest blonde alive. My silky platinum blonde hair hangs loosely down my back. It has the untamed look of the minx, that I will finally get to be. My muscles are firm, and even I get wet and horny when I stand naked before a mirror.
I especially love my tits. A 34-D, firm, and round. Sometimes, when I am alone, I start out massaging oil into them. I love licking myself into a frenzy before my fingers scratch my belly, my thighs and drift slowly towards my pussy. Tonight, I’ll do just that once again, just to hold myself over until tomorrow.
The day finally arrived. My stomach is tight with anticipation and my hands are hot and clammy. The door to my “Dark Room” has just been closed. I hear the sounds of birds chirping in the background, the sound of wind blowing through trees, and the gentle flow of an indoor waterfall in the middle of a huge pool.
I’m ordered to remove all of my clothes at the door. “You won’t be needing any of those here”, a huge muscled man at the door tells me. I giggle at the idea and without much hesitation, I strip all my clothing off and hand them over.
I am naked and the cool breeze feels wonderful on my honey-tanned skin. Slowly, I walk barefoot through the bush to the water’s edge. The water appears to be safe, so I venture to the waterfall and immerse myself in the cool water. My nipples stand hard as the water beats relentlessly upon them. It feels so wonderful to be naked out in the open like this. I walk from the waterfall and gently slide into the pool below. The water is cool and refreshing, so I splash around and play a little. It’s not as if a city girl can splash around naked in the outdoors every day.
After my swim, I strolled to the sand and lay naked in the sun. As the sun’s rays warmed my body, I felt the strongest sensation of being watched, which excites me. I looked around but could see no one except the baboon hidden amongst the brush, eyeing me curiously. Knowing what was to happen to me today, I lay out on my back, tits firm in the air and spread my legs. I began toying with my clitoris make it throb and stand out every so slightly. I continue as I notice the baboon’s eyes growing wider as I bring myself to orgasm.
As the squeals of pleasure escaped my lips, I opened my eyes and was startled to see him standing there. He stood tall, about six feet. His sandy colored hair was wild and wavy and hung to his shoulders. His body tanned, strong and absolutely beautiful. He stood above me with a smile that emulated from his deep blue eyes and I felt safe, not threatened. I scanned every inch of his body, as it towered naked before me. He was beautiful, and when my eyes met his pelvic area, I’m sure the hot flush that coursed through my veins colored my skin a burning red. He was fully erect. I knew that the pleasure he was going to bring me today would be mixed with pain, but I was ready.
Although I knew that this man was a complete stranger, I had fantasized about this so long and he resembled exactly what I had asked for so I felt as if I had finally met the man I had been fantasizing about for years.
He kneeled toward me, knowing that I wanted only him, and kissed me hard on the mouth. I kissed him back, passionately and he lay upon me. We kissed for what seemed an eternity, our hands ravaging one another. Although his hands were strong, they were also gentle. His hot lips brushed my cheeks and slid steamily down my throat, across my shoulders and to my bare breasts. He began to toy with my nipples as I laid back with my eyes closed, enjoying every second. As his tongue danced around my nipples, I could feel myself becoming wetter and wetter. Soon I was aching with anticipation. His mouth left my nipples and he ventured downwards. His tongue licked across my thighs, and as I squirmed in delight, he parted my pussy lips and jabbed he tongue deep within me. The ritualistic dance continued and I began to moan with sheer pleasure.
He reached to his side, where he had an open coconut. He lifted it up and began pouring the milk onto me. The sticky sweet milk tingled as it made its way down my lips and he licked it off with a thick pulsating tongue that sent me into a screaming frenzy as my climax came. My body trembled frantically and, as the tremors subsided, I squealed and shook. He came over me now and poured the coconut milk onto my breasts.
Tantalizingly, he worked me until my nipples stood erect. Then he began to nibble and bite me there. He moved upward and his rapid breath in my ear sent another wave of goose bumps over my body. I was ready for more, and so was he.
With a sweeping thrust, he entered me. Swollen and ready, he felt like a rocket ship inside me. His hips rocked steadily and he entered me again and again. With each stroke, I felt nearer to orgasm. He kissed me and stroked me, never losing his rhythm. This man must have been a dancer, the way he could work me over, his relentless, steady grind making me cum all over him. When I felt his body tensing as his orgasm neared, I squeezed him hard with my pussy, using every muscle to milk his sweet juices from his aching muscle. He screamed aloud with pleasure, sweat dripping from his body as his body trembled, succumbing to the sweet ecstasy of his long awaited orgasm. With each spasm, he thrust deeper within me and we exploded together, our bodies entwined in this mesmerizing moment.
He held me for what seemed an eternity, and then we strolled together to the water. We splashed and played together as though we had been one forever. Taking the time to wash one another and showering off underneath the waterfall.
It was wonderful, and when we were clean, I lay on the large rock near the waterfall. He took oil and began to massage my body. His hands stroking the oil down my back, my thighs, my arms, and my ass. I rolled over, inviting him to rub my front. He started with my hands and feet, worked up my arms and legs and then to my tits, stomach and between my legs. One more tongue bath could never hurt. This time, he did something different. As he worked my clit with his tongue, his fingers entered me. He found the spot that would make me cum in a flash. I couldn’t believe it. Only one other man could do this to me. As his fingers explored deeper and around every bump inside my cunt an orgasm overtook my body like a bolt of lightning. My juices spilled out like a river. My head was spinning in the ecstasy of it all. When my orgasm was over, he continued to rub my body. I fell swiftly off to sleep with the setting sun. My fantasy was no more. It was reality.
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